“God loves a Cheerful Giver”
2 Corinthians 9:7b
2011 – 2012

Dear Family and Friends of FAW,

If you have ever read the Acts of the Apostles or the letters of St. Paul you know that there were tensions in the early Church between Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians. The question was whether the Gentile Christians had to become Jewish in order to become Christian. St. Paul decided that they did not and this is where the tension arose.

In the late 40’s A.D., a famine swept across Jerusalem. The Jewish Christians there suffered the most because they were a minority and were discriminated against because of their belief in Christ. Paul saw an opportunity here. He called upon the Gentile Christians in far-away Greece and Macedonia to give money which he would personally deliver to the Jewish Christians. He asked them to give according to their means.

St. Paul saw this as far more than simply a matter of money. It expressed their love for these people, their unity with them despite their differences. But it went even beyond that. Paul says that they were not only supplying the needs of these Jerusalem Christians. They were performing an act “of thanksgiving to God.”

Gratitude to God. It’s at the heart of stewardship. Christian stewardship is one of the important lessons we teach at Father Andrew White School. We educate our students in the fundamental truth that everything we have belongs to God – the earth, our families and friends, our homes and school, our very lives. Because everything belongs to God we have a responsibility to share His gifts with others, joyfully and in thanksgiving. When we do, we believe that “God is able to make every grace abundant for [us], so that in all things, always having all [we] need, [we] may have an abundance for every good work” (2 Cor. 9:8).

With the start of a new school year comes the beginning of our Annual Giving Campaign. The campaign helps raise funds in three essential areas:(1) capital improvements; (2) support materials for curriculum and enrichment programs; and (3) safety and security upgrades for our children. As we begin this year’s Campaign we hope that you will see your participation in it as an opportunity to show your gratitude to God for all that he has done for you and for all He accomplishes at our school.

Enclosed is an envelope with suggested levels of giving. Please prayerfully consider a gift to this year’s campaign. Then complete the inside flap of the envelope and enclose your gift, mailing the envelope back to the school. With your help we can continue to cheerfully do great things for our children in Christ’s name. Thank you.


Rev. John T. Dakes

Mrs. Linda Maloney

 2011-2012 Total $18,639

If you have any questions about our campaign, please feel free to give us a call at 301-475-9795. If you are interested in making a donation to our campaign, you may send your tax-deductable contribution to:

Father Andrew White S.J. School
22850 Washington Street
P.O. Box 1756
Leonardtown, MD 20650

*Make checks payable to “Father Andrew White”

Thank you for your generosity!