1. What are the volunteer requirements if I choose this tuition option? And how are hours documented?
Families who choose the volunteer tuition rate (service scholarship families) are expected to contribute 25 volunteer hours. You can find more information regarding our volunteer requirements on our website HERE. There are many ways to help including assisting teachers with various in school and out of school tasks as well as getting involved in our community events and fundraisers. After completing your volunteer service, be sure to record your time on the online volunteer log found on our website HERE. It is recommended to keep a personal log of hours as well. Quarterly reports will be sent home of your family’s volunteer hours.
2. What is the protocol to volunteer at school and attend field trips?
The Archdiocese of Washington Child Protection Policy requires volunteers to set up an account at virtus.org, complete a volunteer application, be fingerprinted, and attend a training session. Please ask in the main office for the application packet. For your convenience, we have a step by step guide posted on our website HERE. Please note: Chaperoning a field trip does not count towards service scholarship hours to fulfill your requirement.
3. What is RaiseRight (SCRIP)?
RaiseRight (formerly called SCRIP) is a program in which gift cards are purchased for face value and the school receives a percentage of the gift card amount. This school fundraiser offers you a convenient way to acquire gift cards for everyday purchases as well as for gift giving. Our focus this year will be on electronic gift cards. Each service scholarship family is required to raise $50 in rebates for the school. Be sure to learn how you can save on your tuition by earning more rebates beyond the $50 rebate requirement. More information can be found at this link.
4. What school day events should parents plan to attend?
The school calendar can be found HERE. The first Friday of each month, families are invited to attend Mass at 8:30 AM. There are field trips and volunteer opportunities during the school day, but these do not require a parent’s attendance. Most other school functions are in the evening or do not require a parent to attend. The school sends out a weekly newsletter that has upcoming events so be sure to read that email on a regular basis.
5. What is the HSA and when are meetings?
HSA is the Home & School Association and the officers are parent volunteers. This group is responsible for raising funds for the school and also plans events to build community among the school families. There are many committees within the HSA for the various events and fundraisers. If you wish to join one of these, reach out to the chair or coordinator of the event. There are a few HSA meetings for all parents to attend, some in the evening and some following 1st Friday Mass. These meetings will be announced in the weekly newsletter. The first HSA meeting will occur during the Open House on September 10, 2024 from 6-7pm.
6. How is bus service requested?
Bus transportation is free for St. Mary’s County residents. Services can be requested by submitting the form at this link.
7. What are the car rider drop off and pick up procedures?
Car Rider Drop Off
Car riders may be dropped off between 7:45 and 8am. Our bell rings promptly at 8am for our school-wide Morning Prayers.
To drop off your car riders, please enter the Father Andrew White School parking lot and turn right into the St. Aloysius Church parking lot to follow the snaking line. Loop around the back of the school and turn right to drive parallel to the sidewalk (as you would naturally leave the parking lot). Students should be sitting on the passenger side of the vehicle. School personnel will help the students safely exit the vehicle via the sidewalk closest to the gym. Students who arrive between 7:45 – 8am will enter through the side gym door. Students arriving after this time will need to pull around to the front of the building and be signed in through the office to acquire a late pass.
Car Rider Pick Up
Car riders may be picked up following the same procedures. Our afternoon bell rings at 2:30pm and car riders are called down at 2:35pm. It is best to enter the parking lot and turn right into the St. Aloysius Church parking lot to follow the snaking line. All car riders are typically picked up between 2:35 – 2:45pm. Note: On early dismissal days, we dismiss car riders beginning at 12:35pm.
Hang Tags
FAW School will issue hang tags with your family’s last name. Please display that on your rear view mirror while in the parking lot to help our staff line up the students in an expedited manner.
8. How is Hot Lunch ordered?
Hot Lunch is ordered typically a week in advance; however, most families order for a month at a time. There will be a notification through email providing the monthly deadline for ordering. Lunches can be ordered for all full days of school at a cost of $5/lunch. More information can be found HERE.
Please note: NO MILK is offered for sale.
9. Where can I find information regarding new and used uniforms?
New uniforms can be purchased through Lands’ End (flyer). Click on this link to order.
For used uniforms, visit our used uniforms page or contact Sheli Laney at sheli.laney@live.com. Be on the lookout for “pop-up” used uniform events.
For additional information on our uniform policies, click HERE.
For our policies on non-uniform days, please see our Parent Student Handbook.
10. What school supplies are needed?
We have the School Supply lists posted HERE for your convenience.
11. Is Summer work required?
Students in grades 1-8 have summer assignments. The summer assignments are for incoming grade levels. Find the Summer Work HERE.
12. Where can I find the school calendar?
13. When is the Back to School Night?
We will welcome back families on Thursday, August 22nd from 4:30-5:30pm to meet the teachers, see classmates, and drop off school supplies. We will have a New Parent Orientation immediately before beginning at 4pm.
Our Pre-K Program begins after Labor Day. Our Pre-K Open House will be on Thursday, August 29th from 1 -2pm and Friday, August 30th from 9 – 10am.
(Note: All new families are invited to come to a New Family Orientation at 4pm on Thursday, August 22nd, prior to the K-8th grade Back to School Night.)
We will have a School Open House on September 10, 2024 from 6-7pm.