Congratulations to our 5th and 7th grade students for another very successful STEM competition last Saturday. One of the 5th grade teams, Erosion Explosion, won 3rd place for their Research Project and they won 3rd place in the Overall Winner category on their grade level. In the middle school category, our 7th grade won several awards: 2nd in Robotics Challenge(Algae Ninjas), 1st place (Invaders), 2nd place (Cloners), 3rd place (Zebra Warriors) in the Research Project category, 1st place (Zebra Warriors) and 2nd place (Cloners) in Teamwork category, and 2nd place (Zebra Warriors) and 4th place (Algae Ninjas) in the Overall Winners category. We are very proud of all of these students for their 12 weeks of hard work on this project. We also thank the faculty and coaches who put in multiple extra hours working with these students before, during, and after school: Mrs. Dungan, Mrs. Rowland, Mrs. Sarlo, Mrs. Allen, Ms. Simpson, Mrs. Pietsch, Mr. Matthias, and our engineers from the Base. Great job everyone!!
5th Grade Team Erosion Explosion