2014-2015 Theme:Ā Step up to Holiness



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These students among many other FAW students displayed respect during the month of September. The students pictured were chosen to haveĀ a special lunch with Mrs. Maloney!


8th Grade Skit on Responsibility

Family Packet:Ā Responsibility Packet

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These students among many other FAW students displayed responsibilityĀ during the month of October. The students pictured were chosen to haveĀ a special lunch with Mrs. Maloney!



PK skit on Gratitude

Family Packet:Ā Gratitude Packet


These students among many other FAW students displayed gratitudeĀ during the month of November. The students pictured were chosen to haveĀ a special lunch with Mrs. Maloney!


OnĀ December 1st each class received a bag of goodies from Ms. Johnson. The students had to wait patiently to see and enjoyĀ the treat on Friday December 5th.

Family Packet:Ā December Family Packet

Bible Study Permission Form:Ā Permission Slip for Dec. 11


These students among many other FAW students displayed patienceĀ during the month of December. The students pictured were chosen to haveĀ a special lunch with Mrs. Maloney!


Family Packet:Ā Justice Family Packet


These students among many other FAW students displayed justiceĀ during the month of January. The students pictured were chosen to haveĀ a special lunch with Mrs. Maloney!



These students among many other FAW students displayed integrityĀ during the month of February. The students pictured were chosen to haveĀ a special lunch with Mrs. Maloney!




These students among many other FAW students displayed forgivenessĀ during the month of March. The students pictured were chosen to haveĀ a special lunch with Mrs. Maloney!


April Calendar


These students among many other FAW students displayed temperanceĀ during the month of April. The students pictured were chosen to haveĀ a special lunch with Mrs. Maloney!




FAW Whole School Retreat-“FAW Heroes of God”

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Monthly Crusaders in Christ Bible StudyĀ 

Pictures from October 16th Meeting

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Pictures from December 11th Meeting

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