God has blessed each of us with various talents. Are you able to share yours with Father Andrew White School? We are looking for some help from individuals and/or businesses to improve our physical campus. Also, if you or your business would like to sponsor/fund any of these projects we would be forever grateful! If you are willing to help with any of the following, please contact Jaime Weber at jaimeweber11@gmail.com
- replace cracked floor tiles
- replace ceiling tiles
- repair drywall
- repave parking lot near back playground area
- tidy wiring in gym
- create a patio for picnic table area
- make cupboards to cover open shelving in classroom
- landscaping
- paint hallways and bathrooms
- install gate/fence around propane tank
- fix window closures
- replace playground benches
- install taller/stronger net behind soccer goals
- fix leaky roof